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You are in search of toothpaste that not only freshens your breath, but also protects your teeth. As you’re searching in the toothpaste aisle, you see boxes and boxes of multicolored toothpastes in a variety of flavors. How do you know which one to choose?

For A Whiter Smile

Foods, coffee, age and some habits can all contribute to a dull or even yellowish smile. Sometimes whitening toothpaste can take the edge off of discoloration. The most effective whitening toothpastes contain mild abrasives with magnesium carbonate or calcium carbonate. If your whitening toothpaste isn’t quite giving you what you’re looking for, a professional whitening treatment at 4Excellence In Dentistry is what you need.

For Sensitive Teeth

When we say sensitive, we’re talking about those who have sensitive teeth and experience pain when heat or cold are introduced into the mouth. If cavities and root infection are ruled out, chances are those who suffer are brushing too hard or with a toothpaste that is too abrasive. Look for toothpaste with ingredients like strontium chloride or potassium nitrate, both of which can help desensitize your teeth or gums.


Fluoride is just as important as brushing in preventing decay, and it actively strengthens tooth enamel.


If you’re gums are suffering from redness and bleeding, you might have gingivitis. Anti-gingivitis toothpastes help reduce oral bacteria and can be very effective at stopping this gum condition at its source.

Tartar Control

Tartar control toothpaste helps prevent the buildup of tartar. While this product is helpful in slowing new buildup on teeth, a professional dental cleaning is the only way to remove existing tartar and the bacteria it harbors.

Always select a toothpaste with the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval, no matter the brand.

If you’re still having a problem finding the right toothpaste, here at 4Excellence In Dentistry we can help determine what is right for you.

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